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  • Added a new Tool, mainly for my own use. This lets you read the raw information for a Twitch chat, so may be useful for others debugging twitch apps!
  • Updated the badge API to include newer badges. Enjoy your Twitch Con flair!


Twordle fixes only.

  • Fixed the character checker allowing special characters
  • Fixed the word selector so it didn’t select every single word on the list


  • Revamped the Twordle auto mode. It’s clearer, much less prone to error, and easier to add into OBS!
  • Added more Twordle words in the categories.
  • Added a link to a mini project of mine on the homepage. A Chrome extension for Storygraph users. I’d like to keep adding small tools to this site when I can!


  • Updated pronouns API. Secondary pronouns are now included on the site and in Chatter. Head there to update yours if needed. (Thanks for flagging Shogi Explained)
  • I think I have ‘fixed’ deleting messages over time about 5 times now. I’m hoping this is the last time.

V2.2.6 (HotFix)

  • Fixed Chatter animations that weren’t working right in OBS.
  • Fixed Chatter test commands not running in OBS.
  • Fixed Chatter deleting messages over time.


  • Emote Drop
    • Suika game mode! Turn this on for similar emotes to collide and grow
  • Docs
    • There’s now documentation, and on it’s own subdomain!
  • Fixed a problem (I made) with FFZ and BTTV emotes in Chatter not running. They’re now stored in maps not arrays. I have no idea why I didn’t do sooner as it should be more efficent now when swapping out text for emotes.
  • Added more words in Twordle and made it actually fit on mobile.
  • General spring cleaing. Removing defunct lines, etc.
  • Reworded some Chatter CSS classes
  • Small UI changes. Because I can’t just leave things alone


  • Twordle!
    • Added more words to specific word lists
    • Added a different mode. Chat can now guess with words rather than individual letters.
  • Optimisations: Starting to go back and do some rewrites.
    • Optimised API calls on both apps.
    • Optimised how Chatter deletes messages over time.
    • Reduced the animations on chat bubbles.
    • When running in OBS it now uses a slightly more efficient version of the apps, as your styles are ‘locked in’.
  • Restyled some of the dashboard and Twordle UI.
  • Removed dependencies from the project to clean things up.


  • Chatter badge support is back! Twitch made this so much harder than it needs to be…
    • One really minor benefit from the new system is that badges load on launch - not after the first message received.
  • New Feature: Chat limit in Chatter.
    • I originally put this to help lower spec PCs, but I quite liked the look of limiting chat to just a few messages.
  • Reduced the stutter effect when new chat bubbles appear.
  • Animations have sadly been downgraded. I didn’t realise OBS is quite behind on Chrome releases, so the modern tricks were breaking.
  • Restyled some of the dashboard and Twordle UI.
  • Polished up the alphabet game using the dashboard elements.
  • Moved pronouns up 1 pixel. It was genuinely bothering me.
  • Added the option to customise the divide between username : chat message. Not in the dashboard, but applicable through OBS.
  • Made this Change Log a public site!


  • Improved the performance of the !emotewipe command for Emote Drop
  • Stripped back more unneeded parts of Pixi, the graphics renderer for Emote Drop.
  • Really minor optimisations for how Chatter loads messages and pronouns
  • Moved custom fonts into Svelte. Hopefully fixes it not loading for people.
  • Fixed the dashboard not updating when new parameters are added.